Serving Mid-Missouri
Boone | Randolph | Audrain | Callaway | Cole | Cooper | Howard | Moniteau
The primary objective of the Boone County Sheriff's Office Cyber Crimes Task Force is to investigate, arrest, and prosecute those who choose to abuse and exploit children online.
The Boone County Sheriff's Office Cyber Crimes Task Force began in 2007 as a way to more effectively combat Internet related crimes, with a focus toward crimes against children. The Task Force is comprised of members from the Boone County Sheriff's Office, Boone County Prosecuting Attorney's Office, Missouri University Police Department, and Federal Bureau of Investigation.
In addition to investigating criminal complaints perpetrated online or involving digital based evidence, we offer both investigative and digital forensic related resources and training to law enforcement within our designated service area.
The goal of the Task Force is to prevent online victimization and to instill preventive measures upon members of our community who may otherwise be susceptible to such crime. Our efforts include educational presentations, proactive investigations, and the use of specialized investigative techniques which are more likely to result in securing evidence needed for the successful conviction of identified perpetrators.